Is there a list of images version for Eve-NG that I could refer to? For instance, I did not realize ISE 2.7 is not as stable as ISE 2.3 running in Eve-NG till I came across the discussion in this forum.
So I suppose it will be good if KB has ever shared the list of images version he has used in the lab demo. Appreciate if you could share this info.
You can either disable the Window Server firewall or you can make adjustments within its Firewall inbound and outbound rules. You’ll need to edit the “File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)” rule and do the same for the outbound rules. You can find some additional information at this website: How To Enable Ping In Windows Server 2019 Firewall - RootUsers
Hello there! I just joined for the CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Track.
So far the EIGRP v6 and the BGP course have been outstanding! One question if possible:
I am trying to use the EVE NG topologies that are in the resources, where can I find the versions of the devices which were used in the presentation?
For example i am trying to work on the BGP lab. Which types and versions of routers should I download and add to EVE-NG in order for me to play around?
@Jon most images will work in EVE, how usable they are though, usually comes down to resources. ISE 2.7 does work, but I found it needed 8 CPU and 24G RAM - so quite heavy.