Hello everyone,
I’m unable to start vManage.
I followed EVE documentation to upload the images,
also I noticed that I’m unable to login with admin/admin with other v-device
any tips please
Hello everyone,
I’m unable to start vManage.
I followed EVE documentation to upload the images,
also I noticed that I’m unable to login with admin/admin with other v-device
any tips please
You need to be a little more specific. Being unable to start vManage suggests a problem with the way you’ve installed it in EVE. You should be able to console to it with admin/admin at least, if not, check your EVE logs to see why it’s not starting up. Don’t forget you need a second HD for vManage.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes I followed EVE installation for Viptela and I added the second drive (100G). for some reason unable to start it but the other devices vEdge-vbond and vSmart are UP but it doesn’t accept admin/admin.
I have another question related to SDWAN if you can help please:
Do I have to work and upload KB SDWAN labs on EVE Pro? I’m using EVE-NG Community free version.
How dealing with issuing certificate since Dockers are not available on EVE-NG free version.
Thank you so much for your help.
I reinstalled again everything and I’m still facing the vManage issue ( Not able to be UP) the color changes to BLUE for 1 second then it became gray. I performed the fixed permission command but nothing still down.
for the other device, I just had to wait for the device to be ready, then it took admin/admin .
My only issue is vManage then I can practice SDWAN.
Please who ever faced this issue, let me know how you fixed it.
I’m using free version of EVE.-NG not sure if this is the issue.
Please let me know.
Thanks again Matt for your help.
Finally I just figured out my issue. I thought the vManage’s software has a bug and i tried so many version. always reconfigure all vDevice using EVE documentation but the main issue was less RAM on my EVE-NG
I have a 32GB laptop and I was using an old EVE-NG 8GB without even thinking the LAB requirement.
I changed the EVE RAM to 16GB and now it turned ON but its really hard to practice on KB’s SDWAN labs because it needs a lot of RAM. I’m receiving already a pop up to close the software because no RAM left on my PC.
I noticed form your file that your vManage has 32768 means you have at least 96GB Desktop/Laptop which is very helpful to practice. I have to find a solution for me.
I really appreciate your help brother. thanks again for your help.
You’re welcome @BKSD - and yes, time to upgrade your machine, treat yourself for NY
Yes, this will be one of my 2021 resolution.
In fact, can you please share what you have at least i will take it as a reference.
Thanks again and happy new year 2021 for you and all the members and of course KB support.