ISE installation on EVE

Hello Matt,
I tried to push DACLs that didn’t work, so I moved ahead when I tried to do an authentication based AD users it fails.
I think My question is that do PC1 and PC2 in the lab be joined to domain before we try ad based 802.1x auth?

Thank you

It depends on how your AuthZ rule is written, and which identity store you choose. In a real world deployment, it’s going to almost certainly be Active Directory, in which case, your client would be in AD Group X Y or Z. KB covers this in his ISE course :slight_smile:

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Hi Islam, I faced the same issue, Press 2 and then hit enter, it should start the installation process. at least it worked for me.

I have a quick question, I followed KB’s workbook and watched the videos but I am stuck on the remote access vpn with any connect.
When I try to connect VPN I get this error, please see the screenshot image

I can ping the DNS server but once I click ok on the above error message, AnyConnect shows: Limited access - DNS Failure

Hi Can you share me ISE 2.3 eve-ng image

Has anyone worked ISE install exercises with Khawar…
I dilemma is the install works just fine on Eve-Ng with ISE, when it connects with the MGMT Cloud, all the NTP server sync with working fine… ISE application starts fine…

The problem start when I use the ISE without the internet… like how Khawar is using it… I don’t see any connection to the internet… The issue is how, ISE which is synced with a timing server on the internet,… how it keeps working in Khawar Lab… using the NTP…… when his lab has no Internet connection… Plus what’ll happen when Win-server will be connecting to ISE… what’ll be the timing server that both will be synced with.