Welcome to the KBITS Live Forum

Welcome to your space where you get to define who we are as a community of learners.

You’re here and able to participate because you are a member of KBITS Live – if you’ve stumbled on this forum via Google or the internet in general and are hearing about us for the first time, I suggest heading over to https://kbits.live where you will find 900+ videos, live classes, bootcamps and more — all taught by KB — the world’s best Cisco Networking technologies trainer.

We’ve set up three types of categories for you: general / exam or track related and technical topic related.

You should spend time in the technical topic and track category that makes most sense to you — ask and answer questions, help out those who ask for help, and feel free to ask for help.

Remember, KB checks this forum almost every day and will step into answer questions. Your moderators — folks chosen from amongst you who have been learning from KB for a long time — are also around to make sure things stay friendly.

Be nice. Have fun.