StudyGroup - Watch together

how about we start CCIE enterprise study group. and here are the rules.

1 - you pledge to watch one video everyday.
2 - you report video you have watched to the group.
3 - you comment on best thing you learned from the video.
4 - you ask about any question you have related to the video.

lets encourage each other and get the best out of the classes.


Sounds great! I am down! :slight_smile:

awesome. am starting tonight. reporting my first video tomorrow.

That is a very wonderful initiative and whoever came up with this great idea needs a big KUDOS.

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Thank you are you joining?

Add me in the group. Will be whatsapp group, telegram?

Hi everyone,

I would like to join the group. Please add me.

Hi all,

Please add me to the group.

Hi all,

I would like to join the group. Please add me.

Thank you

Hey Guys, I am Kishan, a subscriber in the KB - Basic Level - planning to upgrade to the KB - Learn level. I am based out of Los Angeles, CA [where it is 11:08 PM PST]. I would like to be part of this group and would appreciate if I am included. Please let me know. Thanks.