
If anyone is interested in CCIE EI Study Group, please chime in.

Study groups encourage members to think creatively and build strong communication skills. It has been proven that those who participate in study groups feel more confident and comfortable about reaching their academic goals.

Here are some expectations for group study:
1- Be prepared: Come to study sessions with notes, readings, and potential test questions.
2- Be active: Participate in the discussion.
3- Share ideas: Contribute ideas and strategies that have worked for you.
4- Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
5-Stay focused: Focus on the task at hand.
6- Work together: Don’t split up work, but instead work together to complete tasks.
7-Create a product: Ideally, the group will create a product like a study sheet, outline, or diagram to study together.
8- Listen actively: Listen to each other without interrupting.

Daily tasks
2.a) Rewatch one video everyday.
2.b) Comment about any question you have related to the lessons in video.

lets encourage each other and get the best out of the classes.


I’d be interested. What timezone are you in? I’m in GMT +8

I am in GMT-7. Do you have a discord or something to do live training