Deploy Button missing from FMC Admin-PC when configuring EVE-ng Lab

I was working on Lab 10 (FTD-1-Basic-Routing-NAT-ACP) in EVE-ng using the Chrome web browser located on the Admin-PC to access the Firepower FMC and realized I could not find the Deploy button. The Deploy button is shown in the following screenshot:

But on my Admin-PC workstation, the button is hidden:

The button is accessible, but it is difficult to reach. Here’s my solution:

In EVEng, add a Management(Cloud0) network.
Open the Lab and start the lab that contains the Firepower FMC. From the EVEng menu, click the Plus button → Add an Object → Network. Change the Type to Management(Cloud0). Change the icon to cloud.png. Click the Save button.

Connect the Management(Cloud0) network to interface G0/0 on the Firepower FMC.

From the AdminPC, log in to the FMC. Click System → Configuration → Management Interfaces. Edit the eth0 interface. Enable the interface. Enable Management Traffic. Configure an IP address and subnet mask on your local subnet. Click OK and save the settings.

Now from your client device, access the Firepower FMC. I’m connecting from Google Chrome on my Mac. You now have the ability to resize the browser window if necessary and there are no issues using the scroll bars, and the Deploy button is accessible.

Please view section 10.5 of the EVE-NG Professional Cookbook Version 4.11 for detailed information on how to set up a Management Cloud0 Interface.